Be Encouraged to Encourage

by Evelyn Wells

I’m happy to introduce my first guest blogger! Evelyn Wells is my sweet cousin who recently won an award for her writing. I’m so proud of her and thankful she agreed to share encouragement with us. Her bio follows the post.

Here’s her post:

“You did a great job with your presentation.” “How beautiful your house is, all decorated for Christmas!” “Wow! Dinner is delicious. You’re a great cook.” “Thank you so much for your visit. It brightened my day.”

Don’t we all love to be appreciated? Kind words encourage us, and can make our day; we walk away with a spring in our step and a smile on our face. We have been affirmed. When someone gifts me with words of affirmation, my spirit is lifted and, as a result, I find myself looking for opportunities to affirm and encourage others.

In the Bible, God gives us a mandate to encourage one another. The Greek word for “encourage” is parakaleo, and it appears more than 100 times in the New Testament. While speaking kind words to others is a form of encouragement, another is showing support to those who need it.

There are opportunities all around us we can use to encourage others, such as:

  • Smile and speak to the person behind you in the grocery line.
  • Smile at those you meet on the street or in a hallway.
  • In heavy traffic, let a car merge in front of you.

  • Sit with a visitor in church.
  • Volunteer in a food bank.
  • Take a hand-picked bouquet to a family member who is going through a difficult time.

  • Send cards: Birthday, Christmas, Valentine’s Day, Easter, Mother’s Day/Father’s Day, Sympathy, Encouragement, Thinking of You, etc. Or better yet, send a handwritten note.

Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing.

                                                                                         –1 Thessalonians 5:11 ESV

Encouragers are people who can relate to others in a positive way, and are able to focus on others rather than focusing on themselves. One of the greatest encouragers in the New Testament was Paul. Part of his ministry was writing letters to the churches while he was in prison, so he could encourage them in their walk with the Lord.

Likewise, encouragement is necessary to our walk of faith. When we encourage others, we give hope. This helps them through times of conflict or illness, and encouragement nurtures kindness. Even in the church we find those who desperately need to be encouraged; we may need encouragement as well. If we can encourage at least one person daily, that act of kindness may very well change that person’s life for eternity.

Please share how someone has encouraged you or how you have given hope to another person.

Meet Evelyn Wells, guest blogger

Evelyn is a contributing author to “Heart Renovation: A Construction Guide to Godly Character” (Lighthouse Bible Studies), “Glimmers of Heavenly Light,” (Faith Books & More), “Let the Earth Rejoice” (Worthy Inspired), “Breaking the Chains” (2018 Selah finalist, Lighthouse Bible Studies), and “Just Breathe” (Worthy/Ellie Claire). She is a regular writer for “Refresh Bible Study Magazine.”

Passionate about glorifying God through her writing and speaking, Evelyn enjoys spending time on short-term mission trips, both domestic and foreign. She loves attending Bible Studies and spiritual retreats, and loves having good conversation with friends over lunch or a glass of tea. She is also an avid fan of the Georgia Bulldogs and Atlanta Braves. She can be contacted by emailing her at or twitter.

Evelyn enjoys a good book, her two cats, traveling, and especially spending time with her children and grandson.

Please feel free to share this post!

14 thoughts on “Be Encouraged to Encourage

  1. Thank you Evelyn, I needed a word of encouragement myself today-maybe it was the cloudy weather. You reminded me to reach out to others when they feel the way I was.
    You and Jeannie are quite a duo out there writing such lovely words. Aren’t you proud of her!!!

    • Post Author Jeannie Waters

      Thank you so much for encouraging us! I appreciate you faithfully reading and commenting.

  2. Thank you, Paula. I love being on this writing journey with Jeannie.

    • Post Author Jeannie Waters

      Evelyn, I love sharing the journey with you! Thank you again for your wonderful post.

  3. Evelyn and Jeannie, you are both encouragers and I praise God for your compassionate hearts.

  4. Thank you, Evelyn, for your reminder to encourage others. I think from your list above, the one I struggle with often is the one where I’m secluded in my car! I get so annoyed with those ‘crazy drivers’ out there -I am confident I’m the only one who knows how to drive ….! And THEN – I give one of my college-aged youngsters a lift somewhere and am jokingly chided about every move I make in the car…the lack of blinker-use, the too-sharp turn, the too-quick braking…. I’m quickly reminded that perhaps the crazy driver out there is me! Sometimes, it seems easy to be ‘rude’ to an anonymous person in the next lane of traffic, yet that spirit in my heart can spill over elsewhere, too. Thanks for the reminder to encourage ALL – even those two cars behind me who have no idea who’s in the tan van ahead of them!

    • Post Author Jeannie Waters

      I suspect this is a common challenge. Don’t you love the fact that we can encourage each other?

  5. Evelyn and Jeannie, I don’t think we can ever hear this message enough! ENCOURAGE! It sounds so simple, but we’re so often caught up in our own worries and trials that we forget how important it is to lift others up. You’ve given wonderful advice. One memory I have is when I was confronted by another church member and unjustly accused of something. I took the criticism without retaliating and immediately went to the altar to pray. I wanted to shout at her, but I prayed instead. It wasn’t my sinful self that kept my mouth shut–but God’s help. A dear friend that witnessed the “attack” encouraged me that day and it helped bring comfort.

    • Post Author Jeannie Waters

      Katherine, I’m sure you needed encouragement that day and I’m thankful your friend offered it. I think you’re right that we can get so busy with our own agenda that we sometimes miss the need in someone else’s life. Thank you for this reminder. I’m so glad you enjoyed Evelyn’s wonderful post.

  6. I like that line – “Encouragement nurtures kindness.” When a friend sends me a text or wants to hang out, it brings encouragement. When someone prays for me about something personal and important, my heart is encouraged too.

    • Post Author Jeannie Waters

      Katy, I’m glad you reminded us of how simply reaching out with a text or being faithful in prayer is encouraging. Thank you for reading Evelyn’s wonderful post.

  7. Katherine, you did the right thing. I look back on those times I didn’t respond in that way. Thank you for letting us know you were encouraged by the blog. Your response encourages me to not strike back but to take it before the throne room.

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